Files Description
Each VSOP2013 file corresponds to a planet and contains trigonometric series, functions of time (Periodic series and Poisson series), that represent the 6 elliptic elements of the planet:
Variable 1
a = semi-major axis (ua)
Variable 2
λ = mean longitude (radian)
Variable 3
k = e cos ω
Variable 4
h = e sin ω
Variable 5
q = sin(i/2) cos Ω
Variable 6
p = sin(i/2) sin Ω
e : eccentricity
ω : perihelion longitude
i : inclination
Ω : ascending node longitude
VSOP2013 series are characterized by 3 parameters:
the planet index 1-9 from Mercury to Pluto,
the variable index 1-6 for a, λ, k, h, q, p,
the time power α.
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